What is fashion?

for me, fashion is anything that captures your eyes. Makes the wearer comfortable and is carried with confidence. Fashion is about you. It’s about expressing your identity by the way you dress or carry yourself in front of people.

Steps on how to be an aesthetic fashion haul

1. Shop for the right


– Make sure you’re going to buy the clothes that you’re comfortable with. Be conscious  of how the color and the cuts are going to look good on you. You don’t want to waste your money on clothes that you’re not going to wear right?

2. Choose the right colors

– Choosing the right color that fits you is very important. Wearing bright colors and pales can get the attention of people. Wearing black looks elegant. If you want to look slim, you might as well wear black clothes.

3. Wear the right accessories

– Accessories is one of the important thing when it comes to fashion. Having trendy pieces will make a bold fashion statement. It shows mood on the clothes that you’re wearing.

4.Make an outfit

– If you want to wear jeans, it’s better to wear plain white tee or plain tops. Remember “simplicity is beauty “. Although being simple is beautiful, there is nothing wrong with being more. If you want to look cool, you can wear ripped jeans paired with a huge tee. You can also wear pullover tucked in a cute skirt and try wearing iconic socks on a black shoes or boots or any footwear that you’re comfortable with. you can add accessories if you want to.

5. Do your hair and make-up

– Putting on make-up is not necessarily needed, if you don’t want to put some and you don’t like make up it’s okay. make-up adds more mood and it connects you to the clothes that you’re wearing. Most importantly, do your hair. Not wearing make up is okay but you should at least fix your hair so you will look good.

6. Have confidence

– Wearing fancy clothes, dangling earrings, luxury bags, sparkling accessories and expensive shoes will make no sense if you don’t have confidence. Confidence is the most important thing in everything. You can still look good wearing pajamas if you have confidence. You can look pretty without make up, as long as you are confident.



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